Based on Disney’s Inside Out, a health and wellbeing topic for back to school term.
Linked to the CfE Experiences and outcomes for First Level
Suitable for First level, KS1 but could be adapted for older years.
All games suited to the return to school, minimising children touching the same resources and can be played from a distance, or children sitting in their seats.
Circle games can be played with a larger gap to allow for social distancing.
Inspired by the tik tok trend, this is a back to school get to know you activity for upper primary.
Powerpoint includes 16 slides including a slide to get pupils to design their own Put a Finger Down Statements.
Based on the book Have you filled your Bucket Today by Carol McCloud and David Messing.
Resources that help the reading of the book and develop children’s happiness.
These slides are for morning meetings with your class during a live meet.
They can be used as a starter or just through games to play during the live session.